Active User
A registered, unsuspended member that has logged in to the platform.
Analysis of sets of Dynamic Signal platform data.
Approved Post
A Post approved to be published by a manager.
Similar to a member or post tag, a label attributable to members or posts that has two values rather than one.
Pre-defined and customizable list(s) of language not allowed in your community.
Settings used to create a unique name and image for your community.
A method of delivering content to your community’s members through different media: email, posts, images, and SMS text. Broadcasts can also deliver surveys, newsletters, and documents for Premium subscribers.
Channel Report
Reports channel total for each member by each channel they use per time period. Can also count total channels that are active and how many channels each person has connected, which member has the most friends and followers, who has the most impressions and shares, which channels work best in getting clicks or reactions.
Child Category
Subsets of a Parent Category.
Comment Likes
The Likes a comment receives from other members.
Community Manager
Depending on manager permissions, can manage content and/or members using the manager-facing URL of the Dynamic Signal platform.
Community Statistics Summary
A manager-only email comparing the performance of your community against its previous performance period.
Content Category
An organizational structure for your community’s content. Content Category subscriptions determine what populates a member’s news feed.
Content Digest Email
An email that serves as a roundup of broadcasted or popular content.
Content Target
A method of directed communication through the application of custom targets.
Cover Image
Image displayed across the top of your community’s news feed and Featured Content Gallery.
Custom Report
A .csv of platform data generated from metrics, segments, and filters of your choice.
Custom Target
A filter that is applied to both members and content that determines what content members can view. Common custom targets include type of business, location, department, and seniority level.
Customer Success Manager (CSM)
Your Dynamic Signal representative who can assist you with tasks related to the Dynamic Signal platform.
An organizational structure for members.
Email Allowlist
The list of email addresses approved to register for a new account in your community.
Engaged Members
Members who view, like, comment, or share in the platform.
Excluded Post
A post that’s been removed from your community’s newsfeed.
A manager-controlled social media or RSS channel that imports content directly into the Dynamic Signal platform.
Criteria available for refining the data reported on a metric.
Import Post
Aggregating post content from a source URL in the post creation flow.
Import Type
Determines what kind of content your feed will import to the platform.
The total number of a member’s friends and followers on the social network to which they share a post.
In-App Post
A post that directs to a URL inside the Dynamic Signal platform.
Internal Discussions
Threaded discussions on posts in the platform.
Invitation Reminder
A reminder email sent to members who have not responded to an invitation to join the community by the scheduled reminder date.
Language Target
A content target that refines viewable content by chosen language(s).
A list of community members ordered by points earned.
Your company’s logo displayed in your community’s Header.
Member App
The member-facing URL of the Dynamic Signal platform.
Member Group
A group of members ordered by customizable criteria.
Member Report
Reports the total of all posts per employee per time period. Can also show the total reach per person or group, who shares the most or who has the most impressions.
Member Status
Members have five possible statuses: Active, Preregistered, Registered, Profile Incomplete, and Suspended.
Member Tag
Label that managers can assign to a member or group of members.
Mentions Email
An email sent to a member if they’re mentioned in a post comment.
A message delivered to the inbox of the message recipient. Can be sent to and from members and managers, depending on your community settings.
Messages Email
An email sent when a member has an unread message in their inbox, unless the message has already been opened and read.
The unit of measurement being reported on, represented by a single number in the final report.
Metric Group
A group of metrics, also known as a Reporting Type.
Mobile Registration Code
A customizable code that can be used to locate your community on the mobile app.
New Comments Notification
A daily manager-only email informing managers about new member-submitted internal comments pending moderation.
News Feed
The constantly updating stream of your community's posts.
A bulletin of company content that can be broadcasted to your community.
Note to Members
Internally visible notes on posts that let members know why they’re important.
Notification Center
Contains all your notifications from your community.
OAuth (Open Authorization) is a token-based authentication practice adopted by websites that allows site users to share their information on one site with another, without sharing their login credentials or other sensitive data.
Onboarding Reminder
A reminder email asking members to complete unanswered onboarding questions.
Out of App Post
A post that directs to a URL outside the Dynamic Signal platform.
Parent Category
A Content Category with subset categories.
Pending Post
A submitted post pending approval from a manager.
A permanent hyperlink to another web page.
A hierarchy of administrator roles for managers in the platform that can give access to specific divisions and enable content curation.
Pinned posts will appear at the top of your community’s news feed.
A term for the Dynamic Signal web and mobile interface.
A message or piece of content in your community's news feed.
Post Comments
Threaded comments on a post from members.
Post Likes
The Likes a post receives from members.
Post Report
Reports total posts per member or per post name, and what they shared.
Post Submissions
Posts submitted by members for manager approval prior to populating your community’s news feed.
Post Tag
Label that managers can assign to a post or group of posts.
Posts Published
Posts approved to populate your community’s news feed.
Preregistered User
One possible Member Status, Preregistered members have not begun the community registration process. Contains the following values in the Members page: Preregistered (Never Invited), Preregistered (Invited Once), and Preregistered (Invited # of times).
Primary Color for Mobile Apps
The color of the interface from the Category Dropdown and splash screen while the mobile app is loading. Only appears in the mobile app.
Primary Color for Web
The color of your community’s interface elements like links and buttons.
Actions a member or manager is enabled to perform in the platform, such as managing a community, commenting on posts, and submitting posts.
Profile Incomplete
A value assigned to Registered members that have not completed their member profile.
Push Notification
A message to smartphone users that appears even if the app sending it is not open.
The sum of likes, comments, and shares on a piece of content.
Registered User
One possible Member Status, Reregistered members have completed the community registration process, and may or may not have completed their member profile. Contains the following values in the Members page: Registered (profile complete), and Registered (profile incomplete).
A list of Dynamic Signal platform data.
A refinement of the viewable data for a selected metric.
A period of time during which a member is active in the Dynamic Signal platform.
Share Channel
The social media channel to which a member share’s a given post.
Share Follow Up Email
An email that thanks members for sharing content, and (if applicable) gives share performance data and points earned.
A sum of the pieces of platform content a member has shared.
Sharing Disclosure
Customizable text appended to content members share from the platform.
Source Report
Reports post source* (member name, member, manager or feed type) for a period of time. Can also show who posts the most engaging content by member or post source (member, manager, brand) *Not for specific posts. For more specific detail by post, go to Post Only report.
Square Logo
Your company’s logo found on the mobile app splash screen and in your community’s email templates.
Submitted Posts Notification
A daily manager-only email informing managers of new member submitted posts.
Suggested Hashtags
Optional hashtag(s) automatically applied to share text on Twitter posts.
Suggested Mentions
Optional @ mention(s) automatically applied to share text on Twitter posts.
Suggested Share Text
Optional pre-populated text on shareable posts.
Summary Report
Reports the total of all posts per day per time period, to enable a high-level understanding of member engagement for each day.
Suspended User
One possible Member Status, Suspended members are suspended from and unable to access the community.
Third-Party Tracking
A method of tracking platform usage through various settings, including Click URL tokens and domain allowlisting.
Usage Lapse Reminder Email
An email sent to a member who hasn’t logged into the community for 30/60/90 days, as chosen by a Community Manager.
User Submission
Process by which, if allowed by Community Managers, a member can create their own posts in the platform.
Number of clicks on a post’s View Post button by members.
Welcome Email
An email that welcomes newly registered members to your community.
The practice of allowing identified email addresses and domain names access to a community.