For Members Sharing Posts to Facebook
Due to changes to Facebook's sharing rules and API, we now use "Native Sharing" for Facebook posts. You no longer need to connect a Facebook account before you share a post. If you connect to your Facebook account, you may receive the following error:
"You authenticated successfully, but there are no Facebook Page accounts associated with that login. Please make sure you’re using the correct credentials."
Instead of connecting your Facebook account in advance, simply try to share a post. At the bottom of the share screen, you will see an "Other Sharing Options" box. Click on Facebook, and you will get a pop-up asking you to authenticate with Facebook and / or share the post. This pop-up is presented by Facebook directly, and is no longer an integration. This is called "native sharing," and you are communicating only with Facebook at this point.
Connecting a Facebook account is now only for sharing to Facebook "Pages", which most people will not have. If you're trying to share with your friends, and don't know if you have a Facebook Page, then you should not try to connect a Facebook account and use this new sharing option instead.
For Managers adding Facebook as a Content Feed
When adding Facebook Pages as a Content Feed, you will be required to authenticate your personal Facebook account. That account must have management rights to a Facebook Page in order to connect it as a feed. If you don't have those rights, you may receive the following error message:
"You authenticated successfully, but there are no Facebook Page accounts associated with that login. Please make sure you’re using the correct credentials."
If you don't have manager rights to the Facebook page you are trying to connect to, you will need to have another Manager with the proper rights connect to the Facebook Page, or you will need to have the appropriate person grant you those rights.
Facebook Exclamation Point Issue
If a red exclamation mark “!” appears on a Facebook profile image, this is a known issue caused by Facebook randomly updating/expiring the profile picture’s URL, essentially breaking the associated image URL within the platform. Unfortunately, it’s not possible for our platform to automatically adjust to the new profile image URL due to Facebook API limitations.
Currently, the current solution to address this Facebook behaviour is to delete the existing Facebook feed and create a brand new connection with the same Facebook account.