If you are not logged in and have forgotten your password or need to change your password, simply click on the Forgot Password? link under the Sign In button.
Enter your email address and click the Send Instructions button. You will receive an email containing the next steps to reset your password. If the email does not appear in your inbox, please check your Spam/Junk folders and ensure there are no rules setup in your email client that could be affecting delivery of messages from your community address.
Please note the sign-in screen will look slightly different for username-enabled communities with the reset password option available within the Sign In Help page. When a user logs in with a username, and doesn't have an email added to their profile, a manager of the community can reset the member's password. That link will generate a temporary password which the manager will then provide to the member.
If you are already logged in and simply wish to update your password, you can do so from the Settings page. If you click the Account menu item, you can change your password using the form below. You will need to know your current password to change it from this form. Click the Save button when you're done.