Divisions and Permissions help Managers get the right content to the right employee at the right time by efficiently scaling company communications and segmenting content to reach a personalized audience. Managers can create multiple divisions for a company, including business unit, country, industry, product-line, location, language, etc. And Administrator Permissions can easily and quickly be granted to employees in different roles. Content can also be curated and distributed based on individual employee preferences.
For example, you can create an Organizational Hierarchy for your company, dividing it into dozens of divisions based on regions. Employees in each region will see targeted content, and each region will have its own Content Manager.
Divisions have many purposes and can be used without permissions. To explore the extensive possibilities for segmenting your content, communications, and permissions, please consult with your Customer Success Manager (CSM). For more information about how Divisions work, how Permissions work, and the business process of using Divisions and Permissions along-side Organizational Hierarchy, see the following sections: