On occasion, you may find that content is not pulled in from your social media feeds. There are usually two main causes for "missing" posts:
Content Filtering
The platform filters out duplicate content on import. We treat each link to an outside source of content as canonical, and will only import one external link, ignoring future posts to the same URL. so be sure to check and make sure that there isn't already a version of that content pulled in from a different source with the same original URL.
Delayed Importing
Each time we poll a feed, and we do not find new content, we increase the interval before we check again (this is a requirement of the social media network APIs). So if content is only posted to your social network sporadically, this interval may have increased to several hours. For organizations that only post content during business hours, the delay before we check for content in the morning may be up to a few hours.
It's easy to find out if this is the case, and to manually import the content. Click the Content tab, and click the Feeds menu option. Click the # Connected button to edit your feed settings.
In the Feed settings, you'll find the Summary section at the top.
Where it says Last Imported, you will see how long it's been since we checked for new content. We check feeds on an increasing interval, based on their posting frequency. So if content is only posted to your social network sporadically, this interval may have increased to several hours. This is likely the reason why your content has not been imported.
However, you can force a manual check by clicking the Cycle icon to make the feed poll the social network again. This will find any new content since the last time the social media network was checked. When it polls the social network, it will show you how many posts were imported in the parentheses at the end of the interval.