There are multiple statuses that may be applied to a newly created Member. These include:
- Preregistered
- Registered (Profile Incomplete)
- Registered (Profile Complete)
What constitutes a Profile Complete registration status depends on the features included in the platform for any given customer and how streamlined the customer wants the Onboarding process to be for their Members. You can see your Onboarding flow in the Admin menu, under Registration, then Onboarding Customization.
For example, a customer without Divisions won't have that included as an Onboarding step at all, but a customer who is using Divisions may or may not allow Members to self-select, making that part of Onboarding. A customer using Dynamic Signal for Internal Communications exclusively may choose to skip Connecting Social Accounts entirely, while others may want that social engagement up-front, and others may want to defer it until the first time a given Employee goes to share content.
The only things that are strictly required are the Preregistered steps:
- Email Validation
- Terms of Use
- First & Last Name
- Password
By default, Connect Social Media Accounts and Category Subscriptions are also turned on, but can be switched off from the registration flow. If they are turned off, then a new Member will be "Profile Complete" after just the Preregistration steps.
Should I be concerned about a Member's Registration Status?
Not necessarily. "Profile Incomplete" is often an indicator that you may be asking for too much information up front, before your Members have a good understanding of what they are going to get from the platform. Removing any steps not required for the goals you are trying to achieve is considered a best practice. That said, all of the optional profile completion steps can be completed by a member after the fact. You may want to consider using that status top populate a Member Group, and send them a Broadcast periodically asking them to complete those missing steps. But if those steps aren't crucial to the goals you have established for your program, a Member having skipped them isn't cause for concern.