The Dynamic Signal platform has the following new metrics for measuring members’ sessions and for measuring the average reading time of posts. The platform takes 24 hours to process these metrics before your data will appear. Look at the table below for terms relating to the new metrics.
- Session Metrics - Average Time, Total Sessions, and Total Bounces
- Average Reading Time
New Metrics Terms
For example, a member opening a notifications page and closing the tab immediately will have been bounced and their session is recorded as being zero time. Also, members who click on a post broadcast, get redirected to the web, and then immediately redirected to the external permalink, will have their session recorded as a bounce.
Note: Bounces are included when determining Average Session Time. This means that a member with many bounces will have a much lower Average Session Time.
Session Metrics
Session metrics can be viewed on the Member Profile page and include the following stats:
- Average Time – total session time for a member divided by number of sessions
- Total Sessions – total number of sessions for a member
- Total Bounces – total number of times a member was bounced
Session Metrics - Member Profile Page
How Session Time is Tracked
- On Mobile– average member session time is tracked whenever the app is in the foreground.
- On the Web - average member session time is tracked whenever there is member activity on the Member App or the New Web Experience. After 30 minutes of inactivity, a member’s session is assumed to be over.
Time Reset
Sessions are always reset at midnight of your community’s time zone. This means if a member session is active from 11:50pm to 12:30am, it will be counted as two sessions rather than just one. The first session lasts from 11:50 to 11:59pm, the second session from 12 to 12:30am.
Average Reading Time
Average Reading Time measures the time taken by a member to read an in-app post. This number is only calculated for in-app posts in the Dynamic Signal app. The reading time for posts external to the Dynamic Signal platform cannot be calculated.
At this point, Average Reading Time is only calculated for posts. Reading Time for other types of content (such as broadcasts, surveys, newsletters, etc.) cannot be calculated.
Average Reading Time appears in both the Details and Analytics regions of the Post Details page.
Average Reading Time - Analytics Region
Average Reading Time - Details Region