To create a configuration for a .csv file, a Manager must perform the following steps:
- Go to Members > Add & Invite Member and select Bulk Update Members from the dropdown menu.
- In the Bulk Update Members page, click Manage Configurations.
- Select an existing configuration to edit, or click Create New to configure a new file.
- In the Create a Configuration window, enter a Name for the file and select properties to be added to the file from the Add dropdown menu.
- After selecting properties to add to your file, click Next.
- In the Edit Configuration window, choose when to enable notifications for new members and select the Send invitation email to new members checkbox if you want invitations to be sent.
There are two options for sending notifications:- Selecting Immediately will start sending notifications to a pre-registered Member, even before they've fully registered for the platform.
- Selecting After First Login will suppress notifications until the member has completed registration and logged in for the first time.
- Click Create to save your configuration.
- In the Manage Configurations window, click Done.
- After your configuration has been created, confirm that the member data is accurate in the Confirm Members.
- Once a Manager confirms that the member data is accurate, the system will process the updates and send a confirmation email which includes a link to the Bulk History page containing a full log of all updates.