When you go to the Divisions page at Admin > Advanced > Divisions, the divisions you have set up will appear in a list showing the Division name and your User Selection and Sharing Disclosure settings. The Settings panel on the left shows what your current settings are.
To set up or add new divisions, complete the following steps.
- In the Divisions page, click Add Division.
- In the Add Division page, enter your new division Name.
- In the User Selection region, select a checkbox to determine whether your Divisions will be Available for selection by members or Restricted and not available.
- In the Sharing Disclosure region, determine whether you want to be able to append disclosure text to the end of members' shares for this division. To add Sharing Disclosure text, select the Custom checkbox. Select Default to use the Community default settings.
- Click Next to create your new Division. Your division will now appear listed on the Divisions for selection by page.