Cookie banners are frequently used by websites as a means to indicate to users to indicate the site uses cookies in order to maximize the user's experience. They first emerged with GDPR, and have been revisited again with the CCPA. Because specific cookies used vary depending on what features and functionality are enabled per Customer, we have added a cookie banner as a feature as well as updated our privacy policy to specifically identify what cookies are in use.
Dynamic Signal allows you to display a banner disclosing our use of cookies (which are required for the proper function of the platform). Members can click the Accept link to dismiss the banner.
The cookie banner is an internal setting needs to be enabled / configured by your Customer Success Manager or another member of the Dynamic Signal team. You can also submit a request with our Support team to have this configured.
Links to relevant Privacy Policies or other documentation can be included in the banner. The text can be customized, but the default text reads:
"By continuing to navigate on this website, you accept our use of cookies. For more information or to change the setting of cookies, please read our Privacy Policy."