The Dynamic Signal administrator dashboard is a complete, interactive overview of analytics for managers to quickly access the activity of their community and view data and graphs presenting the statistics detailed below in the following regions.
- Community
- Internal Activity
- Sharing Activity
- Reach
The dashboard enables managers to assess the health of their community in one glance, viewing the latest community statistics, internal activity, external sharing activity, trending Members, and content. All dashboard analytics are instantly measurable by date range, which can reset from the Date dropdown menu in the upper left corner.
The Calendar on the Dashboard shows Scheduled posts only. Posts that are published immediately will not be shown.
Community Metrics
New Users Added
These are Members added by a Manager, or who have signed up within the given time frame. They are not necessarily new, active members.
Active Users
Number of members who have logged in.
Broadcasts Sent
Broadcasts sent by a Manager to one or more Members.
Posts Published
Posts that have been published to the platform by a Manager.
Post Submissions
These are Posts submitted to the platform by your Members. They may still need to be approved.
Post Views
These are posts in the platform that have been viewed by Members, not views from external shares.
Internal Activity Metrics
Discussion Views
Number of members who clicked directly into comments when viewing a post.
Post Likes
Number of times members have liked a post within the Community.
Number of times members have commented on a post within the Community.
Comment Likes
Number of times members have liked a comment left by another user within the Community.
Sharing Activity Metrics
Number of times members have shared content.
Number of times friends/followers have clicked on content shared by members.
Total number of social reactions (likes, comments, re-shares/re-tweets) by friends/followers on social media channels.
Total potential impressions generated by members' shares based on each member's reach on each social channel (Example: 1 share to a Facebook channel with 500 friends = 500 Impressions).
Reach Metrics
Reachable Members
Anyone who can be contacted via communication through DySi platform. This includes members who: have registered or have an email/phone number in our platform
Reached Members
The maximum number of people who received any content via communication through DySi platform. This includes members who: have been sent an email or have been sent a notification on desktop or mobile
Verified Reached Members
The maximum number of people who interact with the content, email or push notification. This includes members who: have opened or clicked an email or have interacted with a mobile or desktop notification
Activated Members
The maximum number of people who interact with the content on or from DySi platform. This includes members who have done one of the following: logged in or liked, commented or shared a piece of content