The following table lists all interaction log events in the Dynamic Signal Platform.
Interaction Log Event
Account Approved
When a manager approves a member's account as part of the advanced registration manual approval process
Account Rejected
When a manager rejects a member's account as part of the advanced registration manual approval process
Account Requested
When a member requests an account as part of the advanced registration manual approval process
Approved Post
When a member's post is approved by a manager, with the user ID being the manager’s ID
Bookmark Added
When a member bookmarks/saves a post
Bookmark Removed
When a member removes a bookmark from a post
When a member comments on a post
Completed Poll
When a member completes a poll (which is like a survey but shorter)
Completed Survey
When a member completes a survey
Connected Social Account
When a member connects a social account, which is used for sharing content to social media
Deleted Comment
When a member deletes a comment from a post that they have previously made
Disconnected Social Account
When a single instance of a member's social account (which is used for sharing) is disconnected
Dismissed Welcome Banner
When a member dismisses the welcome banner (which is a one-time message members see upon entering the web-based app)
Downloaded Document
When a member downloads a document
Downloaded User Sharing Activity
When a member downloads their sharing activity, which shows the shares to social media that they have made
Edited Comment
When a member edits a comment on a post
Edited Survey Response
When a member edits a survey response
Excluded Post
When a manager excludes a post (a manager app operation)
When a member is invited to the community
Liked Comment
When a member likes a comment that is left on a post
Liked Post
When a member likes a post
Manager Reset Password
When a manager resets a member's password
Onboarding Completed
When a member completes the onboarding process
Onboarding Started
When a member starts the onboarding process (which occurs after an account is created)
When a member's account is created for them (for example, they are invited but have not started the onboarding process)
Privilege Granted
When a member receives a new privilege
Privilege Revoked
When one of a member's privileges is revoked
Reauthenticated Social Account
When a member reautheticates a social account because the authorization has expired
Reset Password
When a member resets their password
Role Changed
When the role of a member is changed
Sent Invitation Reminder
When an invitation is sent to a member
Sent Message
When a message is sent to a member
Sent Onboarding Reminder
When an onboarding reminder is sent to a member that has not completed onboarding/account setup
Setting Added
When a setting not included in another interaction log is added
Setting Removed
When a setting not included in another interaction log is removed
Setting Updated
When a setting not included in another interaction log is updated
Shared Post
When a member shares a post to social media
Signed In
When a member signs in to the app
Social Reaction
When a member adds a social reaction to a post (for example, retweeting a tweet via the app)
Started Survey
When a member starts a survey
Submitted Post
When a member submits a post
Subscribed to Category
When a member becomes subscribed to a category
Subscribed to Target
When a member becomes subscribed to a target
When a member is suspended
Unliked Comment
When a member removes a like they left on a comment
Unliked Post
When a member removes a like they left on a post
Unsubscribed from Category
When a member becomes unsubscribed from a category
Unsubscribed from Target
When a member becomes unsubscribed from a target
When a member is unsuspended
Viewed Discussion
When a member views a discussion associated with a post
Viewed Post
When a member views a post