You can invite a new member or manager to your Community by completing the following steps.
- Go to the Members page at Members > Members.
- At the upper right of the Members page, click Add & Invite User.
- In the Create New User page, enter the name and email address of the member you want to invite.
- Optionally, in the Assign Tags region, select a tag to apply to the invitee.
- In the Assign Privileges region, select the privileges you would like the invitee to have. View the Privileges table below for details on your options.
Can Submit Posts
Enables the new member to submit content for approval, such as links or images, for the community news feed.
Can Share Posts
Enables the new member to share posts directly to the social channels that have been connected. Internal posts cannot be shared.
Can Comment on Posts
Enables the new member to join internal discussions by Liking and commenting on posts.
Can Manage Community
Enables the new member to join as a community manager, which allows them to view and edit all community content as well as viewing and editing member data and administrative settings. Selecting this check box automatically selects and includes the Submit, Share, and Comment privileges. Username accounts will not have the ability to have "Can Manage Community" privileges.
- In the Notification Preferences region, in the Enable Notifications dropdown menu, you can determine whether your invitee will receive instant or delayed notifications by selecting Immediately or After first login.
noteMembers can opt out of individual notification types at any time from their Preferences page, or by clicking Unsubscribe at the bottom of any email.
- In the Invitation region, select the Send Invitation Email check box if you want the invitation send via email. Optionally, you can include a personalized message by selecting Include a personalized message with your name, and entering your message in the text box.
- Click Create to send your invitation. To confirm your invitation has been sent, the program will send you to the Members page and list your invitee in the Incomplete Onboarding member list.