Language Targeting is the most basic example of how targeting can be used and has been preset for you in the Dynamic Signal platform. Members can easily view content in their preferred language by selecting their language target values.
Managers can set up Language Targeting for members so they can easily view content in their preferred language. They can also set up a backfill language to be used for members, for when content in their first preferred language has been exhausted. Managers also have the ability to restrict the list of content languages available to a member.
Using Content Language Targeting: for Content Creators - Content Language is auto-detected by the system, so if an article is imported in French, the system will default the language of the post to French. The language can be manually overridden by the Content Creator. If the Content Creator is creating a post from scratch, they need to manually assign that language target to the post.
Using Content Language Targeting: For Members - If the user selects French as their Content Language, for example, they will see content [in their News Feed] that is in French, followed by content that is in the Backfill language. French would live on top of the News Feed, and English content would appear below all French content if it is set as backfill. Content Language can be selected by the user during Registration, and then updated in their user profile if/as needed.
Example of Language Targeting
Christina has set her Content Language Preference to both English and Chinese, so she can view targeted content in those languages. Alfredo has set his language preferences to English and Spanish, so he can view content targeted to those languages. Language targeting only uses one of the four available levels in the targeting hierarchy.
To learn more about languages available in the Dynamic Signal platform, see this FAQ link: