Dynamic Signal reports based on member metrics feature statistics on member engagement, sharing, and communications. Member engagement metrics include enrollment status, interaction history, connected social channels, content views and readership, and submitted content over a period of time. Member communication metrics include the standard metrics for email and mobile app notifications, such as sent, opened, and click statistics. Member sharing metrics show external activity to social networks, email, and mobile apps. See the Member Metrics table below for specifics on each available metric.
Member Metrics
Number of times content is shared via the Share button
Number of potential views on a post that has been shared externally
Number of clicks on a member's shares
Total Reactions
The sum of all Share reactions, including Likes, Comments, and Re-shares
Number of Likes a member's shares got on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
Number of comments a member's shares got on Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.
Number of retweets a member's shares got on Twitter
Engagement by Social Channel
The combined number of Shares, Impressions, Clicks and Total Reactions
The total number of Clicks divided by the total number of Shares.
The total number of Reactions divided by the total number of Shares.
Clicks/1000 Impressions
The total number of Clicks divided by the number of Impressions divided by 100. For example: 200 Clicks/200,000 Impressions = 1 Click/1000 Impressions
Earned Media Value (EMV)
The Cost per 1000 Impressions divided by 1000, and added to the Cost per Click (the number of reactions plus the number of clicks).