Notification Settings is where you manage the email types sent to your members, and customize how those emails are sent. To access Email Settings go to Admin > Community Settings > Notification Settings.
Use the Email Settings page to manage:
- Reply-To addresses
- Email Templates used
- Outgoing, Reminder, and Manager only email notifications
Email Customizations
The Reply-to setting controls the email address populated in your outgoing message when you click Reply. You can change the address by entering a new one in the Reply-to field.
From email address can't be customized. Only the Reply-to field can be customized.

Email Templates allows you to customize the Welcome and Usage Lapse Reminder emails. The Default Email Template determines if the emails will be customized to the member's chosen display language, or if it will be sent in the default language of the Community (usually English).
Email Notification Types: Outgoing, Reminder, and Manager Only
Select the check box next to an email notification type, and it'll be sent to your members/managers when triggered (see Description for when notifications are sent).
For a full list of email notification types that your Community members can receive, as well as which notifications members can opt out of, see our article on Email Notifications.
The tables below list which email types managers can enable or disable for their community:
Outgoing Emails
Welcome Email
Welcome newly registered members or managers to your community
Content Digest
Roundup of broadcast or popular content
You can send these to members either daily or weekly at a specific time (in the community time zone). If you'd like to customize the Digest content sent to each member, select Member Subscriptions from the Content Category dropdown.
Share Follow Up
Thanks members for sharing, and gives share performance data and points earned (if applicable)
Sent to members the day after a share
Usage Lapse Reminder
Sent to a member who hasn't logged on for 30/60/90 days, as chosen by a Community Manager. The posts included in the Usage Lapse Reminder emails will follow the same logic as the Content Digest emails.
Submitted Post Approval
Sent to members when a post they've submitted has been approved by a Community Manager
It's recommended managers keep this notification enabled
Sent if a member is mentioned in a post comment
Sent when a member has an unread message in their community inbox, unless the message is opened and read quickly enough
If you can't see an options for Messages email, it may be hidden by an Internal Admin
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While the Content Digest email can be customized in
Email Templates, the individual posts are chosen dynamically for each member. If you'd like to select which posts are sent, use the newsletters feature in the
Content menu. If a manager edits the configuration settings for a Content Digest on the day that it's supposed to go out,
no Content Digest will be sent that day.
Reminder Emails
Invitation Reminder
Sent to users who have not responded to an invitation. Reminders are only sent to members if they have not responded by the scheduled reminder date
Use the dropdowns to customize the number of days between reminders
Onboarding Reminder
Asks users to visit the community and complete any unanswered onboarding questions
Use the dropdowns to customize the number of days between reminders
You can go to a member's Member Details page and trigger the reminder whenever you choose.
Manager Only Emails
Community Statistics Summary
Compares the performance of your Community over a weekly or monthly period against the previous performance period
You can select both weekly and monthly summary emails
Submitted Posts Notification
Inform managers of new user submitted posts daily
You won't receive this email if there are no pending posts by the end of the day, or if the pending posts are not in your division
New Comments Notification
Inform managers on a daily basis about new user-submitted internal comments that may need to be moderated
Unless they unsubscribe, all Managers receive Manager Only emails with respect to their assigned Division(s).
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