To set up a content category, complete the following steps:
- Go to Content > Categories.
- In the Categories page, click Create Category.
- In the Name field, enter a name for your category.
- Optionally, in the Description field, enter a description of your category.
- Refer to the table below to select your category settings.
Check BoxDescriptionCan SubscribeDetermines which members are able to subscribe to your category. Select one of the following check boxes:
Everyone- all members can subscribe.
None- no member can subscribe.
All Divisions- all available divisions can subscribe.
Specific Divisions- which specific divisions can subscribe.
Onboarding DefaultYour category is automatically selected when new members sign up, but they have the option to unsubscribe from the category. Selecting this check box does not affect existing Members.If the category has a parent, then the parent category’s settings may override these defaults.
Everyone- all members can subscribe.
None- no member can subscribe.
All Divisions- all available divisions can subscribe.
Specific Divisions- which specific divisions can subscribe.
Force SubscribeThese Members are automatically subscribed to the category and cannot unsubscribe from it. If the category has a parent, then the parent category’s settings may override these defaults.Select one of the following check boxes.
Everyone- all members can subscribe.
None- no member can subscribe.
All Divisions- all available divisions can subscribe.
Specific Divisions- which specific divisions can subscribe.
Visible to MembersDetermines whether a Member can view and select the Category from the Category dropdown on their News Feed. The default value is Visible.Member Post SubmissionDetermines if a Member can select the Category when submitting content. The default value is Don’t Allow.Hide Posts AfterThe number of days that a post will be included in the Category before expiring. This setting helps limit a Category to the most recent content only. The default value is Never.Parent CategoryTo place your Category under a Parent Category, select an available Parent from the dropdown menu. Keep the default value of None if you want to create a top-level category.noteHide Posts After does not change the expiration date on a post, or impact whether a post can be seen in other categories. It acts more like a date range filter within the category. If you are unable to see all posts within a category (specifically older posts), it is due to this configuration.
- After making your check box selections, click Create Category.
- You can confirm your new Category by checking to see if it is listed in the Category page.