To improve the experience of your Members, refer to the Categories Best Practices table below.
Fewer Categories
Use the fewest number of categories you need to achieve your goals. Do not set up more than 20 categories because they will be hard to maintain and could cause content to load more slowly for your Members.
Create clear and concise categories that can easily be understood by both your Members and other Managers.
Hide Categories
Give your members the least amount of options as possible in the category dropdown, to simplify and improve their experience. Too many Category options can be confusing. Use the Visibility setting to hide Categories from the dropdown menu.
For example, if you have set up for everyone to be automatically subscribed to the category Company News, there is no need to make this category Visible since everyone will receive this content anyway. By marking this category Hidden, you keep it off the Category dropdown menu.
Force Subscribe
When a category has important information for employees, make sure you use the Onboarding Default setting to automatically subscribe your employees. This setting guarantees that employees will receive essential content, and does not allow them to opt out of the category.
If you subscribe Members to a content category, and make the setting Hidden, that content will ONLY be visible to those subscribed Members.
Remember that Category functionality does not replace Broadcasting, it just controls how Members view content in the platform. You still need to Broadcast your important content to bring Members into the Community. Do not worry about Members being overloaded with subscriptions. .
Examples of Content Categories
Regional News
- e.g. UK Headquarters News
Team Resources
- e.g. Onboarding Materials, Team Documents
- e.g. DySi Platform
- e.g. Healthcare, Technology, Financial
Industry News
- e.g. Cloud Security, Big Data, IoT