Summary Reports provide a detailed overview of member activity, including Shares, Impressions, Clicks and Reactions which can be accessed by generating a Summary Report from the Reports page. For additional member data, such as Likes, Comments and Re-shares you can download the Summary Report as a .csv file.
To generate a Summary Report, complete the following steps.
- Go to Reports > Summary.
- Select the Date Range and click Refresh.
- Optionally, to download the report as a CSV file for additional data, click Download.
Report Metrics
All Dates for selected date range
Post Views
Number of post views/clicks by members
Number of times content is shared via the Share button
Number of potential views on a post that has been shared externally
Number of clicks on shared content
Number of clicks divided by number of shares
Total Reactions
The sum of all Share reactions, including Likes, Comments, and Re-shares
Number of Likes on external shares to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
Number of comments on external shares to Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.
Number of retweets a member's shares got on Twitter
Points Subtotal
Points Subtotal from external sharing activity
Member Actions
Sum of all Social Reactions, specifically the Member Likes, Member Comments, and Member Shares columns
Member Likes
Number of times users liked an imported Twitter, LinkedIn Page, or YouTube post with the corresponding type of connected social account
Member Comments
Number of times users commented upon an imported LinkedIn Page or YouTube post with the corresponding type of connected social account, or replied to an imported Twitter post
Member Shares
Number of times users retweeted an imported Twitter post with their connected Twitter account
Points Subtotal
Points subtotal from member actions
Earned Media Value (EMV)
The Cost per 1000 Impressions divided by 1000, and added to the Cost per Click (the number of reactions plus the number of clicks).