The following tables provide all the filter options and definitions for the Filter Members Panel on the Members page.
Filter Members Panel
Filter Members Region - Status
Includes the following values:
- Registered (profile complete)
- Registered (profile incomplete)
Suspended from the member community.
Includes the following values:
- Preregistered (Never Invited)
- Preregistered (Invited Once)
- Preregistered (Invited x number of times)
Filter Members Region - Divisions
A dropdown menu with all divisions available to a viewing Manager, based on their permissions, and an option for Unassigned members that is only available to Global Managers.
Filter Members Region - User
[Search field]
Allows you to search for a member by First and Last name or by email
Filter Members Region - Role
Brings up all members who are Managers
Brings up all members who are Members
Filter Members Region - Privileges
Member has no privileges
Submit Posts
Member can submit posts (not shown if auto authorship is on)
Share Posts
Member can share posts
Manage Organization
Member can Manage the organization
Manage Community
Member can manage a community
Comments on Posts
Member can comment on posts
Filter Members Region - Milestones
Milestones Region
If you select Yes, the filter will be applied to your member group. If you select No, the filter will be removed. Each of the Milestone filters is independent and should be applied separately.
Member has received at least one invitation to join the community
Signed In
Member has accessed the community at least once.
Member has successfully completed onboarding flow.
Connected Channel
Member has connected at least one channel.
Viewed a Post
Member has viewed at least one post.
Shared a Post
Member has shared at least one post. Only applicable for members with sharing privileges.
Submitted a Post
Member has submitted at least one post. Only applicable for members with authorship privileges.
Mobile Access
Member has signed in to the iOS or Android app at least once.
Select Filters Window
More Filter Options - Select Filters Window - General
A defaulted filter including a member’s First Name, Last Name, email address, and profile picture.
A defaulted filter that includes the following values:
- Preregistered - Never Invited
- Preregistered - Invited x number of times
- Preregistered - Profile Incomplete
- Preregistered - Profile Complete
- Suspended - Profile Incomplete
A defaulted value: manager or member
A defaulted filter that includes the following privilege options:
- View Posts - for members with no share, submit, or manage privileges
- Can Share
- Can Submit
- Can Manage Community
Mobile Access
Includes the following Mobile app options:
- iOS
- Android
- Facebook Messenger (FBM)
- Short Message Service (SMS)
- Android and iOS
- Never accessed
Bulk Create ID
ID generated when you Bulk Create members
More Filter Options - Select Filters Window - Interactions
Milestones are selected by default, but can be deselected.
Date a member was created (in the Community time zone)
Onboarding Started
Date a member started onboarding
Onboarding Complete
Date a member completed onboarding
Last Invited
Last date a member was invited
Last Active
Last date a member accessed the platform while logged in
Last Viewed
Last date a member viewed a post. Note that public posts can be viewed from broadcast emails even if the user is not logged in
Last Shared
Last date a member shared content
Last Submitted
Last date a member submitted a post
More Filter Options - Select Filters Window - Connected Accounts
Connected Accounts
Facebook Accounts
Facebook account connected to a member
Total Facebook Reach
Total number of Facebook friends and followers for a member
Facebook Page Accounts
Facebook Page account connected to a member
Total Facebook Page Reach
Total number of Facebook Page friends and followers for a member
Twitter Accounts
Twitter account connected to a member
Total Twitter Reach
Total number of Twitter followers a member
Instagram Accounts
Instagram account connected to a member
Total Instagram Reach
Total Instagram Reach of a member
LinkedIn Accounts
LinkedIn account connected to a member
Total LinkedIn Reach
Total LinkedIn Reach of a member
YouTube Accounts
YouTube account connected to a member
Total YouTube Reach
Total YouTube Reach of a member
More Filter Options - Select Filters Window - Accounts and Performance
Accounts and Performance
Channels used by a member
Total Shares
The total number of shares for a member
Total Comments
The total number of comments for a member
Total Post Likes
The total number of post likes for a member
Active Points
The total number of active points for a member
All Time Points
The total number of all-time points for a member
Total Clicks
The total number of clicks for a member
Total Reactions
The total number of reactions for a member
Total Impressions
The total number of impressions for a member
Channel Reach
The channel reach for a member
More Filter Options - Select Filters Window - User Settings
User Settings
If enabled, shows the divisions a member is in (selected by default)
Category Subscriptions
Lists all categories that a member is subscribed to, whether voluntary or involuntary
Brings up dropdown menu of all available tags
Organizational Hierarchy
Shows the Organizational Hierarchy of the member
Content Language
What language used for content
Shows the level of the member
Region District
The Region District of the member
Total Reactions
The total number of reactions for a member
Survey Questions
What survey questions a member has responded to
Brings up a dropdown menu of all Attributes. You can select more than one attribute.
More Filter Options - Select Filters Window - Description
Notification Preferences
Each of the following notification types has a column with the value of Subscribed, Unsubscribed or Off:
- Post Broadcasts (email)
- Urgent Broadcasts (email)
- Broadcasts (email)
- Content Digests (email)(if enabled)
- Share Follow Ups (email)(only if enabled)
- Updates (email)(only if enabled)
- Broadcasts (mobile)
More Filter Options - Select Filters Window - Authorship
Author Settings
Includes the following options:
- Author - Review First
- Author - Approve Immediately
- No Authorship Privilege
Posts Submitted
Number of posts submitted
Posts Approved
Number of posts approved
Points for Submission
The number of points awarded to an author if they submit a post.
Points for Approval
The number of points awarded to an author if their submitted post is approved.
Points per Click
Number of points per click
Points per Share
Number of points per share
Points per Reaction
Number of points per reaction