To create your own post from scratch, perform the following steps:
Creating: Content Tab
- Fill out the Post Title and Description.
If your Post Title is long enough (roughly >70 characters, depending on the width of the characters) an ellipsis will appear in the UI.
- It’s recommended you fill out the Body text, unless you’ll later link the Post to an outside URL (or are only uploading an image or video).
The Body section includes a full-featured HTML and rich-text editor so you can format text, create links, embed images/videos, or perform other HTML-supported actions. You can also embed posts from Twitter or Instagram using the HTML editor. (You cannot embed posts from Facebook as it requires iframes, which are not supported in the Post Editor.)
- Link back to a video (if applicable).
If you don’t have the Native Video feature enabled for your platform, you will only be able to import YouTube video links.
- Upload a document or image (if applicable).
Creating: Settings Tab
- Select the Display Mode (see Importing a Post for more information on Display Modes).
- Set the Divisions and Tags for your Post.
Creating: Sharing and Publishing Tabs
- Choose whether or not your Post is shareable and customize points earned.
- Go to the Publishing Tab, and select the Publish Date and, if applicable, the Expiration Date.
- Publish your Post, or set as Pending for future review before publishing.