Quick Polls are one-question surveys that make it easy for you to ask questions to your Community and get fast feedback. In a Quick Poll, you can ask one question to your Members and offer up to five answer options. Once you create a Quick Poll, you can post it to the News Feed so that members can respond. After members have responded to your Quick Poll post, you can view the details and results and have the option to broadcast them to your Community.
Image or text?
There are two question types to choose from.
Multiple Choice option works best for pulse surveys and quick questions that don’t need visualization.
Multiple Choice (Image) can be used when you need to illustrate the answer options in your question. Some ideas include allowing your members to vote on new branding, a new product line or even a guess the baby photo competition!
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Tips and tricks
- Keep your question (Max Characters: 150) and options (Max characters 30) short. If you feel you are getting close to the character limit, a survey may be a better option.
- In Multiple Choice (Image), the text you use in the option will be what a screen-reader user relies on in order to participate in the poll so be sure to make use of them. If you don’t add a value for an option we’ll default it to “Option 1”, “Option 2” and so on.
- In Multiple Choice (Image), add a png, gif, or jpg image file (5 MB or less).The recommended image dimensions are at least 480x360 with a 4:3 aspect ratio.
- Once you click Publish, your Quick Poll post cannot be edited, even if it’s set to be published at a future date. If you want to edit your post in the future, click Save instead of Publish.
Create a Quick Poll
To create a Quick Poll, perform the following steps:
- Go to the Create Quick Poll page at Content > Surveys > Create Quick Poll.
- In Question type field, select Multiple Choice or Multiple Choice (image)
- In the Question field, enter your question (Max Characters: 150).
- In the Add Options field, enter the answer options for your question. You can have up to five options for your answers (Max Characters: 30). Add an image for the Option. Click Add another option to enter an additional answer option.
- Optionally, enter an End Date for your poll. Or you can select Never if you prefer that your Quick Poll not have an end date.
- In the Points Earned box, select the number of points you would like each member to earn by responding to the poll.
- In the Poll Results region, select Show if you want the results to be viewed by members after they have completed the poll, or Hide if you do not want members to see the results.
- Click Post to open the Post Settings page.
- Before you publish your Quick Poll, select the appropriate settings in the News Feed Settings region.
- In the Comments region, select Enabled to allow member Comments or Disabled to prevent Comments.
- In the Likes region, select Enabled to allow Likes from members or Disabled to prevent Likes.
- In the Creator’s Name & Photo region, select Show to allow the name and profile picture of members responding to the poll to be viewable. Select Hide to keep members’ name and profile pictures private.
- Optionally, in the Divisions region, you can select a Division from the dropdown menu for your poll to restrict which Managers can view or edit your post in the Manager App. Selecting a Division for your poll has no effect on who can view the post in the News Feed or which Categories a post is in.
- In the Categories region, select a Category from the dropdown menu to target your audience. See Content Categories for more information on how to use Categories.
- Optionally, in the Tags region, you can select a Tag from the dropdown menu to apply to your post. For more information on tags, see Post Tags.
- In the Publish Settings region, you have the option of selecting the Publish Later checkbox and entering the date on which you would like your Quick Poll published. If you do not select this checkbox, your Quick Poll will be published right away.
noteOnce you click Publish, your Quick Poll post cannot be edited, even if it’s set to be published at a future date. If you want to edit your post in the future, click Save instead of Publish.
- Click Publish. Your Quick Poll has now been sent out!
View Your Quick Poll Results
After you Publish your Quick Poll, the Quick Poll Details page will appear showing the details and results of your poll. The results are updated as Members respond to your poll. Details include the Status, Date, and whether your Poll was segmented by Divisions, Categories, or Tags. You can also click Recent Activity to view the latest responses and comments, or click Analytics to view your Quick Poll post stats.
Quick Poll Details Page
Click View Results to see the responses to your Quick Poll, which can also be downloaded via a CSV file by clicking Download. Click Participants for a complete list of all poll participants.
Quick Poll Results Page
Adding Quick Poll to a Newsletter
A quick poll can be added to a newsletter via Post Action menu. On the Posts page, checkmark the desired quick poll post that you would like to be added. Next, the Action dropdown menu will appear on the top right and there should be an option to select " Create Newsletter With Posts".