Leaderboard Points are tallied on leaderboards accessible to the Dynamic Signal website or mobile app and are earned in the following ways.
- When Members sign up
- When Members share content posted on the Dynamic Signal platform
- When Members submit content to Dynamic Signal
- When any Member post gets interaction (clicks, replies, favorites, etc.) This refers to interaction on shared content outside of the platform.
- When a Member responds to a Quick Poll or Survey
Further details in How are the points for the leaderboard calculated?
When using the native sharing features of the platform (notably for Facebook or Xing), points may not be awarded.Points are generally tied to rewards or recognition to drive increased member engagement. You can customize both the number of points and how points are tied to actions based on your objectives for your Community via Admin > Advanced > Post Defaults. There is even a manual redemption mechanism that allows you to treat points as a currency.
The following table describes Leaderboard metrics related to points.
Total Shares
Total number of times an article from the Community was shared across a member’s social account. Note that one article shared across a member’s two channels would count for two shares..
Total Clicks
Total number of clicks on all shares made by anyone who views the content at any particular level.
Total Reactions
Sum of all Share Reactions, specifically the sum of the Likes, Comments, Re-Shares columns
Total number of clicks on a member's shares
Total number of friends and followers who view a share for one community member
The total number of shares multiplied by the number of followers on those shared-to accounts
Member-Generated Content
Number of articles submitted by community members that were published in the community.
Brand-Generated Content
Number of articles published by the community admin
Unique Sharers
Number of community members who shared one or more pieces of content.
Unique Shared Content
Number of articles that were shared by one or more community members.
Clicks on Shared Content
Number of clicks each article generated outside of the community.
Total Potential Reach
Total number of friends and followers who view a share for one community member multiplied by the number of total members
Shared Content
Follower count of SHARING members.
Liked Comments
When a member's Comments are Liked.