We've made several recent updates to the Support Center in an effort to make it easier for you to find solutions to common issues without needing to open a request with our Support team. These include ...
- Elevating our Promoted Articles so you see the solutions to the most common questions sooner
- Making our search box more prominent
- A feedback form for downvoted articles
- Additional behind-the-scenes improvements to article quality
In an effort to guide you to these solutions, we will be demoting the Submit a Request link from the top navigation bar to the bottom of the homepage. (The Submit a Request link will still appear in its normal location on all other pages, including Article Pages like this one, and Search Results.) Articles around issues that require the help of the Support team will continue to include links to the Submit a Request form right in the article content itself.
We understand that this makes it slightly less convenient to open a support ticket with our team, but ultimately our goal is to make it so you don't have to open that ticket at all. We want you to be able to find solutions immediately, without having to wait for our help, so this is one of several ways that we're working to make the Support Center a great resource for you.