By default, your community is created with a * URL. You may wish to change your community URL (domain) to a custom domain, using one of the following options:
- Create a subdomain of your corporate domain (e.g.
- Create a new custom URL (e.g.
Or you may already have a custom domain configured, but you may need to renew the a certificate that is about to expire. In all of these cases, the procedure is as follows:
Step 1: Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
For best security practices, please generate a new CSR within Dynamic Signal for each yearly SSL renewal.
- Log into the manager console and navigate to Admin > Advanced > Custom Domain.
- Note that you must be a Global Manager to access this page.
- Select the correct Certificate/Domain Type, then fill out the fields below.
- Once you have filled out all the fields, click Generate CSR. A .csr file should be downloaded at this time.
Step 2: Generate the SSL Certificate
- Provide the CSR (obtained in the previous step) to your IT team
- They will use the CSR to do one of the following. In either case, the certificate should be in Apache format:
- Generate an SSL certificate for the subdomain.
- Obtain or purchase an SSL certificate for the new top-level domain.
- Once you have the certificate, return to the Custom Domain page in the manager console and upload the .crt file under the "Step 2" section. This will include the private key associated with it.
Step 3: Upload Certificate Authority (CA) Bundle (optional)
- If your IT team has provided a Certificate Authority Bundle, upload that in the Step 3 section.
- If not, you can disregard this section.
Step 4: Submit Provisioning Request
- Once you are ready to permanently switch the community to the new domain (or renew the existing cert), click Submit a request to notify us.
- Depending on the type of domain you are switching to, there may be simple DNS instructions for the Step 4 section. If so, provide them to your IT; if not, we will provide them over the ticket.
- We then will notify you once the domain change is complete.
Issues Caused by Post-Launch URL Changes
Once a program has launched, its URL should not be changed unless absolutely necessary. Changing a program’s URL post-launch could have the following consequences:
- Break Single Sign On (SSO) if SSO has been set up. In these instances, you will need a new metadata file to update the entity ID and SAML endpoint. Coordination between Dynamic Signal technical teams will be necessary.
- Create an error when opening the branded mobile app. Dynamic Signal will need to update the app in order for it to load.
- Note: This is only applicable to branded mobile apps. The Dynamic Signal mobile app will not be affected by a URL change.
- Break any links in the platform that reference the old URL.
- Disable the functionality of any emails / links / shares to the old URL.
- Force members to reconnect/re-authenticate their social channels to their account.
- Create a 404 error when any members attempt to access the old URL.
Keywords: SSL Server Certificate Renewal