New Manager Application Experience Now Available For Early Release
Selecting Multiple Social Accounts and Navigating to Scheduled Shares Causing a Deselection Issue
Failed Share Notification for Shares that Exceed the Community Capping Restriction
New Manager Application Experience Now Available For Early Release
Our New Manager Application is available for any Admin user that would like to try it out. You can switch to it from the Profile menu in the top right of the application. A popup will appear when you first log in to the manager app to point you to this spot.
Changes have been made to the Navigation of the application along with the Post List page and the Configure Page.
A FAQ has been compiled to support this release.
Sharing Channels Per Post Cap Not Working as Intended
An issue was found where, when “Sharing Channels Per Post” cap was set to Limited, a user could still share to more than the set number of channels. This has now been fixed.
Selecting Multiple Social Accounts and Navigating to Scheduled Shares Causing a Deselection Issue
An issue was found on the share dialogue where if the user selected multiple Social Accounts and then navigated to and back from the scheduling option, the previously selected channels would be deselected. This has now been fixed.
Manager App Rate Limit Exceeded Error
An issue was identified where a Rate Limit Exceeded error was shown on the manager dashboard page in certain rare situations. This has now been fixed.
Linkedin API Updates
Further updates have been made to the LinkedIn integration. This includes reducing the number of calls required to return images from posts.
Failed Share Notification for Shares that Exceed the Community Capping Restriction
When sharing content, you will now be notified if your share exceeds the Community Set capping restriction. Previously, the error message was non-specific.
Failed Share Notifications Partially Showing on iOS
An issue was discovered where failed share notifications were only partially visible in iOS. This has now been fixed.
Newsfeed Component Order Inconsistent Across Mobile Apps
The order of components in the Newsfeed was different on iOS and Android devices. Android has now been brought in line with the iOS order.
Push Notification Title Standardization
Some Push Notification titles were found to differ between our Android and iOS Apps. These have now been standardized so both sets of notifications are the same.