Administrator Application - Broadcast Filter Update
Quick Links - Expanded to show up to 9 Links
Members unable to select or deselect social accounts Twitter or LinkedIn on native video posts
Facebook Video posts no longer require the URL for Native Video Sharing
Administrator Dashboard Reports - Unify Filter Displays
Change Password Screen - Text is inserted into the Wrong Field
Quick Polls are Not Readable on Newsfeed
Uploaded video loses aspect ratio
Administrator Application - Broadcast Filter Update
We have added in the ability for Admin Users to see the User Groups that a Broadcast has been sent to. A 'Member Group' Column has been added to the broadcast table that can be filtered on.
Quick Links - Expanded to show up to 9 Links
You can now have 9 Quick Links displayed on the Home Screen in the Member Application. If you have more than 9 Quick Links only the first 8 links will be displayed and you will also have a button that allows you to see all links.
Members unable to select or deselect social accounts Twitter or LinkedIn on native video posts
When we released the recent improvements to Twitter and LinkedIn a bug was found that meant that Members were unable to select or deselect their social accounts (Twitter or LinkedIn) this has now been fixed in the Platform.
Quick Polls Download Bug Fix
When creating a Quick Poll If a Title or Question had a “ after a comma, the results were unable to be downloaded. This has now been fixed so if there is a " after a comma the poll will still download.
Facebook Video posts no longer requires the URL for Native Video Sharing
For posts that Manager's create that include Facebook video content there is no longer a requirement to add the URL to the post when it is being created so that it can be shared. This means that Video posts with Facebook Video in them can now be share to Twitter or LinkedIn without needing the URL in the post.
Administrator Dashboard Reports - Unify Filter Displays
On the Admin app all of the filters on dashboard reports now look the same. Previously there was a mixture of Dials and dropdown that were being used for filtering on different reports now all reports use the same method of filtering. This applies to the following reports.
- Summary
- Shares
- Post
- Reach
- Channel
- Source
- Video
Mobile (22.12.0)
iOS Bugs Fixed
Change Password Screen Text Entry Bug
Previously, when an iOS user tapped on the "Current Password" field in the Change Password screen, whatever they entered would be transposed to the “New Password” field. This bug has been fixed.
Bugs Fixed
Quick Polls are Not Readable on Newsfeed
When a user viewed a quick poll in the newsfeed, card actions (like, comment, share) would overlap the content of the poll, making it unreadable. This has now been fixed.
Uploaded video loses aspect ratio
When a video was being uploaded in a post it was previously being squished. We have now adjusted this so the video retains its original ratio.